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Diving in: 5 Tips for Pool Safety

Written by Utica National Personal Lines Team | Jun 6, 2024 7:19:42 PM

Summer is here, and on a hot day there’s nothing better than taking a refreshing dip in the pool. While we know the first swim of the year can be exciting, it’s a good time for a refresher on the tips and rules to keep you, and others, safe before diving in.

Here’s a few important pool safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Never leave children unattended. Make sure there’s always an adult around – and that they’re paying attention – when children are in the pool or playing near one. If you’re at a public pool, it’s recommended that you don’t solely rely on the lifeguard to keep watch.

  2. Make sure everyone can swim. It may seem silly, but it’s important to confirm that everyone going into the pool knows how to swim, especially younger children. You may consider enrolling your child in swimming lessons to ensure they learn how to swim properly.

  3. Install proper fencing and coverings. Securing your pool can be lifesaving. For inground pools, you should have fencing with a self-latching gate around the entire pool. Above ground pools should have a removable ladder or another way to block off access when unsupervised. When not in use, all pools should have a cover on them.

  4. Make sure your pool drains are covered. Pool suctions and drains can be more powerful than we think. All drain covers should meet safety standards to avoid serious injury or accidents.

  5. Get CPR-certified. Learning CPR is a small price to pay for possibly helping to save a life. Ideally, if you’re supervising around any kind of water, you should know CPR in case of an emergency.

Swimming should be a lot of fun – for kids and adults – so make sure you don’t lose sight of these simple, yet lifesaving, safety tips when in and around the water.

Source: “Safety Tips” Accessed June 3, 2024.

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