Simple Solutions | Utica National Insurance Group

5 Tips for Protecting and Insuring Your Valuables

Written by Utica National Personal Lines Team | Dec 8, 2023 4:31:55 PM

In today’s world, hiding your valuables under the mattress just doesn’t cut it. When it comes to your most valuable items, you should make sure they’re kept in a safe place and insured in the event of a burglary, fire, or other unforeseen event. You may assume that these items are covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy, but that’s not always the case. It’s important to be prepared and take the precautionary steps to protect your valuable property.

1. Keep a home inventory. It never hurts to create an inventory of your belongings. In the event that you need to file a claim, be sure to keep a list of important items and what they’re worth.

2. Purchase a fireproof safe. Keeping your personal items in a quality, fireproof safe is a simple precautionary measure that can help to avoid major damage.

3. Review your insurance policy. Make sure you know what items are covered under your insurance policy and understand the extent to which they’re covered.

4. Have your valuables appraised. Knowing the value of your belongings can help to determine the appropriate coverage needed. Some of your more expensive items, such as jewelry or collectables, may require a reappraisal every few years in the event that their value has changed.

5. Check the crime rate in your area. Keep an eye out for crime in your neighborhood, and surrounding areas. If the crime rate is high, you may want to consider installing a security system.

Your valuable items are likely difficult to replace or have significant meaning. Don’t wait until it's too late to ensure they’re protected.

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